Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Not really, don't have anything to update with, but just thinking of sharing something that's been going on;

A lot of our plans have been changed, delayed or cancelled, because of various things, also, a lot of things are just simply uncertain because we haven't been in contact with people (originally) involved. Also, we have gotten a few (far too few in my opinion) new plans and so.

Next con is in february, we have one cosplay planned there, and I wish we'd have another but it actually might be better if we didn't (and maybe even cancel the one we've desided) because of things. But, hopefully next spring we'll have proper plans and we can execute them too.

So that's that for now, hoping for better times.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Tracon 7 gone

So There went Tracon. Could've been better but also had potential to be a lot worse so... it was okay~

Saturday, I(Lime) was Xerxes Break from Pandora Hearts, Kurobara was Jack Bezarius and yamiaiss was our little Alice. Sadly, we didn't manage to get any photos partly because of the poor weather. It is possible that we won't get any good pictures from those cosplays to this group (since the group originally was planned by another group but we joined, but it just failed that day, two cancelled for complete different reasions at the last minute etc.) And I am not kind of feeling very confident about it anyways (the shoes that is) We'll have to see. And I have been thinking about making different versions of Break, but it's all very uncertain atm.

On Sunday I cosplayed as Ia from Vocaloid 3. Didn't quite go as planned..... a lot of things failed etc. So I won't be taking any photoshoot photos with it. Kurobara cosplayed that day as her OC. And we also discussed about cosplaying as our OCs later on. Which brings to mind.... I wonder what people think of cosplaying original characters in general.... Please do answer if you read this.<3

But that's it for this time~

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Tracon syyskuussa suunnitelmia

Elikkäs syyskuun alkupuolella on taas Tampereen Tamperetalolla Tracon. Odotan innolla koska alue on mukava, con on iso ja kyllä se on myös hyvä asia.

For English readers, this is about my cosplay plans for a Finnish convention; Tracon at the beginning of September.

Eli kaksiu cossia, molemmat uusia, ja vielä kesken. Xarxes/Xerxes Break Pandora heartsista:

Toisen cosplayn pidän salaisuutena~! KAIKILTA! Hahahahahha~! Paitsi.... itseäni ärsyttää, on väärän värinen peruukki... mutta koska se on pitkä, uusi maksaisi paljon, joten elän sillä, nettiin tulevat kuvat sitten vain muokkaan >___> *häpeä* Joten älkää tappako minua siellä kiltit ;____;

 Noiden kahden lisäksi minun pitää tehdä Pandora Heartsista Alice/B-rabbitille takki, kaverille joka cossaa
Huuuhhuh.... Onneksi olen jo salacossin kolmesta vaatteesta saanut yhden tehtyä ja saman verran breakistä. Breakkiin myös aion hankkia valmiit housut jostain ja se valkoinen takki on loppusuoralla.... aivan liikaa vielä yksityiskohtia joihin pitää hankkia kankaita ja materiaaleja.... Voi myöskin olla että proppi jää tekemättä *huokaus* so sad....

Friday, 3 August 2012

Aloitus/ beginning

So, to start off with something, I'll tell you the point of this blog.

This blog is at least for the time being only at the use of the head of Sero-cosplay, me, also known as Lime. I will put up stuff about my cosplays, perhaps some photos that aren't "good enough" for some sites, but are funny or something like that, how conventions went, and so on. If I'm lucky, I can persuade my other member to join me here... but that seems quite unlikely. So you're going to have to stick with what I put here, hope you'll like it here. And thank you for reading and coming for a visit~!