So There went Tracon. Could've been better but also had potential to be a lot worse so... it was okay~
Saturday, I(Lime) was Xerxes Break from Pandora Hearts, Kurobara was Jack Bezarius and yamiaiss was our little Alice. Sadly, we didn't manage to get any photos partly because of the poor weather. It is possible that we won't get any good pictures from those cosplays to this group (since the group originally was planned by another group but we joined, but it just failed that day, two cancelled for complete different reasions at the last minute etc.) And I am not kind of feeling very confident about it anyways (the shoes that is) We'll have to see. And I have been thinking about making different versions of Break, but it's all very uncertain atm.
On Sunday I cosplayed as Ia from Vocaloid 3. Didn't quite go as planned..... a lot of things failed etc. So I won't be taking any photoshoot photos with it. Kurobara cosplayed that day as her OC. And we also discussed about cosplaying as our OCs later on. Which brings to mind.... I wonder what people think of cosplaying original characters in general.... Please do answer if you read this.<3
But that's it for this time~